de verleden tijd

2e rijtje van de lijst van onregelmatige werkwoorden

My nephew (be) in Holland last week. We (go) to Six Flags.

When my mum (be) young, she (wear) the strangest clothes!

I (get) a puppy for my birthday.

The police (catch) the burglar red-handed (= op heterdaad betrappen).


She (tell) you not to send that e-mail!!

I (have) to go to the doctor yesterday.

We (buy) a new house last week.

He (come) to my house and he (take) me to the cinema.

Our neighbours (hear) a strange noise outside.

They (think) it was a burglar, but it (be) only our cat!

Lynn (meet) Tom at the pub and they instantly (fall) in love!!